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Search results for References by kerley, g.i.h
Britnell, J.A.; Yichun Zhu; Kerley, G.I.H; Shultz, S., 2023. Ecological marginalization is widespread and increases extinction risk in mammals. PNAS 120 (3) e2205315120: 1-8 -


Hyvarinen, O.; Te Beest, M.; Roux, E. Le; Kerley, G.I.H.; Findlay, N.; Schenkeveld, W.D.C.; Trouw, V.; Cromsigt, J.P.G.M., 2023. Grazing in a megagrazer-dominated savanna does not reduce soil carbon stocks, even at high intensities. Oikos 2023: e09809: 1-21 - doi: 10.1111/oik.09809


Kerley, G.I.H; Monsarrat, Sophie, 2022. Shifted models cannot be used for predicting responses of biodiversity to global change: the African elephant as an example. African Zoology 57: 1-4


Monsarrat, S.; Novellie, P.; Rushworth, I.; Kerley, G.I.H., 2019. Shifted distribution baselines: neglecting long-term biodiversity records risks overlooking potentially suitable habitat for conservation management. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 374: 20190215 (pp. 1-11)


Monsarrat, S.; Kerley, G.I.H., 2018. Charismatic species of the past: Biases in reporting of large mammals in historical written sources. Biological Conservation 223: 68-75


Monsarrat, S.; Boshoff, A.F.; Kerley, G.I.H., 2018. Accessibility maps as a tool to predict sampling bias in historical biodiversity occurrence records. Ecography 41: 1-12


Hayward, M.W. ; Ripple, W.J.; Kerley, G.I.H.; Landman, M.; Plotz, R.D.; Garnett, S.T., 2017. Neocolonial conservation: is moving rhinos to Australia conservation or intellectual property loss?. Conservation Letters 2017: 1-17


Plotz, R.D.; Grecian, W.J.; Kerley, G.I.H.; Linklater, W.L., 2017. Too close and too far: quantifying black rhino displacement and location error during research. African Journal of Wildlife Research 47 (1): 47-58. DOI: 10.3957/056.047.0047


Boshoff, A.F.; Landman, M.; Kerley, G.I.H., 2016. Filling the gaps on the maps: historical distribution patterns of some of the larger mammals in part of southern Africa. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 71 (1): 23-87


Boshoff, A.F.; Landman, M.; Kerley, G.I.H., 2016. Filling the gaps on the maps: historical distribution patterns of some of the larger mammals in part of southern Africa. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 71 (1): 23-87


Plotz, R.D.; Grecian, W.J.; Kerley, G.I.H.; Linklater, W.L., 2016. Standardising home range studies for improved management of the critically endangered black rhinoceros. PLoS ONE 11 (3): 1-17 [e0150571. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0150571]


Everatt, K.T. ; Andresen, L.; Ripple, W.J. ; Kerley, G.I.H., 2016. Write back: Rhino poaching may cause atypical trophic cascades. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 14 (2): 65-67


Boshoff, A.F.; Kerley, G.I.H., 2015. Lost herds of the Highveld: evidence from the written, historical Record. African Journal of Wildlife Research 45 (3): 287-300


Landman, M.; Kerley, G.I.H., 2014. Elephant both increase and decrease availability of browse resources for black rhinoceros. Biotropica 46 (1): 42-49


Landman, M.; Kerley, G.I.H., 2014. Rhinos follow path of destruction. Oryx 48 (1): 7


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